Una llave simple para sci-fi Unveiled

Una llave simple para sci-fi Unveiled

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The woman, played by Hilary Swank, tells Daughter that everything she's been taught about humanity's demise is a lie... or is it? The drama that ensues will have you on the edge of your seat — and might make you want to unplug your smart speaker, just in case.

A team of international astronauts is sent on a dangerous mission to reignite the dying Sun with a nuclear fission bomb in 2057.

You’ve been battling your opponent for a while and painstakingly saving your Ki for this exact moment. The battle’s climax approaches and it’s finally time to take things to the next level and...

When the Monday of the movie's title goes missing, the other six sibs have to work together to figure out what happened to her, all while trying to stay undetected and safe. Spoiler alert: it doesn't go very well!

A brilliant but eccentric scientist begins to transform into a giant man/fly hybrid after one of his experiments goes horribly wrong.

The plot centers on the consequences such mortality has on William Shatner's Admiral Kirk, a guy who doesn't believe in the no-win scenario, but who ends up paying for that view when a man he hasn't seen in 15 years comes calling with phasers set to "KHAAAAAAAN!

After the crew of the Enterprise find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one-man weapon of mass destruction.

Yes, yes it does, Richard Dreyfuss. His character's carving Devil's Tower a.k.a. UFO-topia and then later visiting the site where the titular close encounter occurs turns this movie into one of the few entries on this list about aliens that is more concerned with the wonder and privilege of first contact than the horror movie consequences of it.

A machine from a post-apocalyptic future travels back in time to protect a man and a woman from an advanced robotic assassin to ensure they both survive a nuclear attack.

Figura the movie continues, you'll learn more and more about not just the Settman sisters, but also the strange sci-fi world they're trapped in. While the movie's setting isn't too

Astronaut Roy McBride undertakes a mission across an unforgiving solar system to uncover the truth about his missing father and his doomed expedition that now, 30 years later, threatens the universe.

Technically masterful and innovative, thematically challenging and enthralling, visually and aurally exquisite and unforgettable, 2001 is everything a great sci-fi movie should be. But don't take our word https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJUMEkVUSb0&ab_channel=WhyMystery for it: Pop a stress pill some time and check it trasnochado yourself.

Several women enter a science fiction author's life over the course of a few years, after the author has lost the woman he considers his one true love.

Ripley returns to LV-426, the planet where she first encountered the alien, to discover that it's now home to a shake-n-bake colony of families and workers, which is basically ringing the dinner bell for the xenomorphs to prove that, in space, everyone can hear you scream if you die loudly enough. Our heroine joins an elite group of Colonial Marines sent to the surface, and they quickly find that neither flame throwers nor machine gunnery are a match for things that bleed acid and sweat slime.

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